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A Sprinkle A Day Isn’t Worth Keeping The Odor Away

Defective Devices / April 18, 2016

Johnson & Johnson’s Shower to Shower has a catchy jingle in all of their commercials – “A sprinkle a day keeps the odor away.” For thousands of women across the United States, they’re finding that after developing ovarian cancer from their Shower to Shower usage, a little bit of odor may have been better than sacrificing their health.


Jacqueline Fox, a 62 year old woman from St. Louis, died from her talc induced ovarian cancer in 2015. Talc, the ingredient in Johnson & Johnson’s Shower to Shower and Johnson’s Baby Powder, has been found in the ovaries of women who used the product on daily or even weekly basis and later had ovarian cancer. The talc fibers travel through the reproductive tract into the ovaries where they act as an irritant and spur unhealthy cell growth which turns into cancer. Many studies show that women who use talc products like Shower to Shower may be 30% more likely to develop ovarian cancer. In Jackie Fox’s case, she had been using Johnson & Johnson talc products for nearly 50 years prior to her death.


Shower to Shower powder was introduced as a product specifically targeted at women as a general talcum body powder. Court documents from the Jackie Fox case revealed that Johnson & Johnson executives knew of the possibility of ovarian cancer after using Shower to Shower and decided to specifically market their products to African-American and Hispanic women. These women are often taught by their mothers, aunts, and grandmothers to use talcum powder on their thighs and genital areas for a fresh feeling and clean scent. Despite various studies linking talc powder usage and ovarian cancer and the recent flood of lawsuits filed in St. Louis, Johnson & Johnson stand behind their products Shower to Shower and Johnson’s Baby Powder.


While Shower to Shower and Johnson’s Baby Powder have been banned in Qatar, and the FDA is proposing a ban on powdered gloves (which used to be powdered with talcum powder), Johnson & Johnson doesn’t even put a warning on their label for consumers. Distributors have a responsibility to their consumers to warn them of possible health effects when they use a product. If you have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and you used Shower to Shower or Johnson’s Baby Powder, contact the Hollis Law Firm today. Our knowledgeable attorneys will review your case free of charge. All information shared with our firm is confidential and risk free. Call 1-800-701-3672 for a free talcum powder lawsuit review.