A mix of law and science.
The Hollis Law Firm handles cases for people who have been injured by harmful prescription drugs and medical devices.
It takes more than just an understanding of the law to handle prescription drug and medical device cases. In order to be a leader in the area of pharmaceutical law, a law firm must also understand the science. The Hollis Law Firm takes pride in knowing not only the legal aspects of each case, but the science behind it.
The Hollis Law Firm stays up-to-date on the latest scientific literature relating to each case type and other potentially harmful drugs and devices currently on the market.
Our drug and device attorneys represent clients nationwide.
The Hollis Law Firm is at times able to detect patterns of certain products causing specific injuries before any scientific studies are published. This is because scientific studies can take years to properly design, conduct, peer-review, and publish.
We rely on you! Victims calling in from around the nation to report how they were injured by a prescription drug or medical device is how learn what to investigate next. The pharmaceutical and medical device companies are not testing their drugs and devices before selling them to millions of people nationwide. The victims of these dangerous drugs and devices are typically the first to become aware of the side effects. Make your injury known, the pharmaceutical and medical device companies aren’t going to do it for you.
The Hollis Law Difference
Aggressive and Effective Legal Representation with a Personal Touch
Our lawyers want to help you get the results that you need to move forward with your life.
We are ready to listen to you. Our philosophy is that we are your guides. After we take the time to understand your needs, we will provide you with the education you need to make the decisions. You will make the decisions and we will listen. We will take action based on the choices you make. We are here to represent you.
We take pride in the fact that we respond to client inquiries and phone calls personally and promptly.
However, please be understanding that our attorneys frequently have to travel around the country to work on cases and discuss the latest scientific developments. The Hollis Law Firm also has highly skilled paralegals assisting with each case type available to answer your questions. If you call after hours, we have a live (human) answering service. We also respond to all web inquiries.
All aspects of the attorney-client relationship are kept strictly confidential. You trust us with your medical information, which we keep secure and confidential.
Let us know if you ever need your medical records for any personal, medical, or legal reason. We would be happy to fax, email, or ground mail your records to the appropriate location.
Contingent Fee Based
Clients are represented on a contingent fee basis, which means that the client is not responsible for paying costs or fees unless there is a recovery.
The Hollis Law Firm strives to keep cost to a minimum, so that if a recovery does result, you get more money. Our scientific and medical knowledge allows us to minimize many cost, such as requesting only relevant medical records and reviewing those records in-house.
The Hollis Law Firm is located in a suburb of Kansas City, Kansas, on the state line with Missouri.
Our attorneys represent victims nationwide in lawsuits against pharmaceutical and medical device companies. We also partner with many law firms nationwide as we go after multinational pharmaceutical companies. Our physical address is 8101 College Blvd., Ste. 260, Overland Park, KS 66210. Call us at 800-701-3672
Do I Have a Case?
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