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Knowledgeable Bad Drug Lawyer

Defective Drugs / August 13, 2015

The Hollis Law Firm represents those who have been victims of harmful prescription drugs. Turn to a knowledgeable bad drug lawyer today to discuss your potential case

Many patients who have been victims of bad drugs seek a knowledgeable bad drug lawyer. Only a qualified bad drug lawyer can help determine if you or your loved one have a case against the pharmaceutical companies. Turn to the professional team at the Hollis Law Firm for your free and confidential case consultation.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for protecting the public health of Americans. One way of protecting public health is to advance modern-day medicine. Once a new drug is created, it must be thoroughly tested. After proper testing techniques, the FDA can approve or deny the drug for market consumption. The drug in question must abide by FDA regulations and laws. If the drug starts to affect public health, the FDA has the right to recall the drug from market consumption. Unfortunately, most bad drugs that hit the market fail to warn the public about the potential side effects people might experience. The Hollis Law Firm is passionate about representing those who have been wronged by pharmaceutical companies who did not properly warn the public about the potential side effects of their drug.

Here at the Hollis Law Firm, our team of experienced bad drug attorneys and staff members have represented clients searching for a bad drug lawyer across the United States. Hollis Law has experience representing those in need of a bad drug lawyer in the following bad drug and medical device cases:

If you or a loved one is seeking a bad drug attorney, Hollis Law Firm offers free case consultations to determine if you or a loved one are eligible for compensation. To talk to a bad drug lawyer call (800) 701-3672 today, or fill out the form on this page.