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Benicar® Hypertension Drug Attorney

Defective Drugs / September 16, 2015

Seek an experienced Benicar® attorney to answer your questions. Find a Benicar hypertension drug attorney at the Hollis Law Firm today to determine if you qualify for compensation.

The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for ensuring unsafe pharmaceutical drugs do not make it to the public market. Although there are regulations and rules in place, sometimes unsafe drugs make it to the market. One potentially harmful drug that made it to the market is Benicar®. Benicar is an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) produced by Japanese drugmaker, Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. When Benicar was introduced to the market, it quickly rose to over 11 million prescriptions a year. ARBs help lower a patient’s blood pressure and are prescribed to those with hypertension.

Why are patients seeking a Benicar hypertension drug attorney?

Some patients are seeking a Benicar hypertension drug attorney because Benicar has been linked to severe side effects. Patients are experiencing the following symptoms after taking Benicar:

  • Sprue-like enteropathy
  • Gastrointestinal complications
  • Symptoms similar to Celiac disease
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Severe diarrhea and weight loss

Patients may be experiencing one or all of the above side effects. If you or a loved have experienced any of the above symptoms after taking Benicar, you may want to seek a Benicar hypertension drug attorney. The experienced and compassionate team at the Hollis Law Firm is ready to help answer your questions risk-free. Talk to a Benicar hypertension drug attorney today by filling out the form found on this page or by calling 1-800-701-3672. Your Benicar hypertension drug attorney will handle your risk-free consultation in a professional and confidential manner to best determine if you have a viable case against Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. Please note that a consultation does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. Attorney-client relationships are established with an official signed document from both parties. Contact us now for a free Benicar lawsuit evaluation.