Understanding the Burden of Proof for Slip-And-Fall Accident Claims

When we leave our homes, we step out of our safe spaces and into a world influenced by the decisions of others. If you ever go to the grocery store and see wet floor signs, that may mean another customer has spilled something and the employees are trying to keep their guests safe from harm. However, there are instances where those in charge of the premises cannot or do not successfully keep guests and customers safe from harm. This can lead to slips and falls, often resulting in serious injuries.

If you are the victim of another person’s negligence, you don’t have to worry about healing and managing financial stressors alone. We encourage you to work with an attorney from Hollis Law Firm for help managing the burden of proof associated with your case. Demonstrating that the four elements are accurate will help prove another party’s negligence and allow you to collect compensation. However, presenting evidence in a manner that substantiates your claims can be challenging. Retaining a lawyer can make it far easier to receive a fair recovery.

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Hollis Law Firm
Managing Attorney
Last updated on June 12, 2024

What Is the Burden of Proof for a Slip-And-Fall Claim?

As a victim of a slip-and-fall accident, you have the burden of proving you deserve compensation, and the liable party should be held accountable. This burden requires you to show that the following four elements relate to your case:

Duty of Care

Establishments like grocery stores, restaurants, and shopping centers—locations where guests commonly visit—are expected to ensure safety for everyone. This expectation for safety is their duty of care, to be upheld by company owners, employers, employees, and others in charge of the property. For instance, these premises should warn you of dangers, remove potentially harmful obstacles, and restrict access to hazardous areas and materials. 


Breaching this duty of care, also called negligence, means that someone has increased the risk of harm to others. If a store fails to place a wet floor sign quickly after being notified of a spill, for instance, they put guests at a higher risk of falling and getting seriously injured. 


You must demonstrate that another party’s negligence directly impacted your injuries or their severity. This is often easily proven with a medical bill or similar document addressing your bodily harm, especially one dated shortly after the inciting incident. 

Financial Loss

To receive compensation for your injuries, you must show you have an objective monetary loss. For example, you can collect compensation for attorney fees, medical bills and treatments, time taken off work, and other losses with economic value. Once this is established, you may also qualify for compensation for non-economic losses. These non-economic losses may include damages like pain and suffering, emotional distress, scarring, and other related losses. 

We encourage you to retain an attorney from Hollis Law Firm for assistance managing the burden of proof. We can simplify the process, collect and analyze additional evidence, and communicate with other parties on your behalf.  

How Can a Slip-And-Fall Accident Lawyer Help With Your Case?

Whenever you are involved in legal matters, we strongly encourage you to retain legal assistance from an attorney with adequate experience. For example, we suggest you work with a slip-and-fall accident lawyer after an incident resulting in severe injuries. An attorney from Hollis Law Firm can communicate with insurance companies, handle paperwork, formulate strategies, and more.

Representing yourself can be stressful and might result in reduced compensation, prolonged litigation, or even losing your case. This is because representing yourself can easily lead to serious mistakes that are difficult to reverse. We suggest you contact a lawyer from Hollis Law Firm to avoid these mistakes and mitigate risks. An attorney can also help you recover increased compensation. We recommend you contact us as soon as possible to boost your chances of receiving a fair recovery. 

Hollis Law Firm’s Slip-And-Fall Accident Attorney Can Help You Win Fair Compensation 

You can win compensation if you have suffered injuries from a slip-and-fall accident due to another person’s negligence. And while legal matters may be challenging to navigate alone, you can gain support from an attorney. Contact an attorney from Hollis Law Firm for assistance, and we can help you focus on your recovery and hold the liable individuals accountable. 

We proudly serve victims and survivors from various backgrounds. With our support, our clients gain a deeper understanding of specific legal processes and grow in confidence. Please contact us at your earliest convenience to schedule a free consultation with one of our dedicated and talented lawyers. During your consultation, we can answer any questions you have about your case. You can contact our team by calling (800) 701-3672 or completing our contact form.

Hollis Law Firm

As the managing attorney at the Hollis Law Firm, Jason Chambers leads complex product liability and personal injury litigations, advocating for clients injured by defective drugs, medical devices, and personal injury accidents. The firm, based in Kansas City, represents victims throughout the Midwest and beyond, offering free consultations to those affected by harmful prescription drugs, defective medical devices, and personal injuries.

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Hollis Law Firm
8101 College Blvd, Suite 260
Overland Park, KS 66210