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Who Is Liable for a Truck Accident?

News / September 18, 2022

Commercial and other large trucks perform important roles. Trucks are vital to the operations of many people’s lives, from transporting goods, packages, and other necessities. While trucks are a necessary part of our lives, they can also be dangerous. Truck drivers, truck companies, and others involved in the success of safe truck deliveries are held to a legal standard of care because trucks have the potential to cause serious and devastating accidents. 

Unfortunately, certain parties sometimes fail to adhere to the legal standard of care necessary to prevent harm. When just one person breaches their duty of care, it can lead to severe accidents that can permanently change people’s lives. At Hollis Law Firm, we believe that accident victims deserve to recover fair compensation. Contact our firm today to start building a strong claim in pursuit of a favorable outcome. 

Who Is Liable For a Kansas City Truck Accident?

When there’s a truck accident, liability may seem obvious. However, while the truck driver may seem like the clear answer, this is not always the case. Something that makes truck accidents particularly challenging is that there’s possibly more than one liable party. There are numerous parties or combinations of parties that could be held liable, consisting of the following:

The Truck Driver

Truck drivers are responsible for ensuring they operate their vehicles safely, and when they don’t, their actions can be considered negligent, and they can be held liable. 

Other Drivers

Drivers in other motor vehicles may cause the truck driver to lose control of their truck or collide with the truck.

Trucking Company

When a company fails to provide everything the trucker needs to succeed, such as a lack of training or an improperly maintained truck, they can be held liable for the accident.

Cargo Owners and Loaders

When cargo is improperly loaded into the truck or cargo owners fail to inform the driver of the dangers of the cargo, they put the trucker and others at risk. There are strict regulations regarding the loading and shipping of cargo. When those are ignored, the party responsible for ensuring cargo is loaded correctly, the individual loader, can be held liable.

Maintenance or Repair Company

Trucks need regular maintenance to ensure the vehicle is safe for traveling. The party in charge of maintenance must make sure that the truck functions correctly. If they fail to maintain the truck properly, they can be liable if that truck gets into an accident.

Parts or Truck Manufacturers

If a defective part or truck is the cause of or contributes to the accident, a manufacturing company can be held liable for letting defective parts out onto the road. 

It’s important to know which exact parties are responsible for ensuring you file your claim through the right legal venues to file a truck accident lawsuit. Filing a claim against all responsible parties is the best way to recover fair compensation to address the financial burdens and damages you’ve suffered because of the accident. 

Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer at Hollis Law Firm

Truck accident claims are complex because of the issues that arise with liability and the fact that many victims suffer injuries that cross into the catastrophic injury threshold. It’s because of all these complex elements that it’s important to hire an experienced truck accident attorney. They can thoroughly investigate the accident and help ensure you hold all liable parties responsible. 

Our personal injury lawyer at Hollis Law Firm knows that insurance companies do their best to avoid paying compensation and are ready to build strong claims that hold up against their tactics. Protect your right to compensation by contacting Hollis Law Firm today. Contact us through our contact form or by calling (800) 701-3672.