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Skin Cancer and Viagra®: Learn More About the Correlation from Hollis Law

Defective Drugs / August 17, 2015

In June of 2015, a report was published which found that recent use of Viagra® was associated with an 84% increase in risk of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. If you, or someone you know, have taken Viagra and also been diagnosed with melanoma, it may in your best interest to become informed of the correlation between skin cancer and Viagra.

Viagra is in a class of drugs known as PDE5 inhibitors. PDE5 inhibitors affect the same cell-signaling pathways that are seen when melanoma metastasizes, or spreads. The Melanoma Research Foundation estimates that 77,000 cases of melanoma will be diagnosed in 2014, causing almost 10,000 deaths.

Viagra’s label does not warn the user about the correlation between melanoma skin cancer and Viagra. Treating melanoma cancer can be costly, and dealing with sickness and death can cause significant mental and emotional suffering. Some individuals who have taken Viagra and suffered from melanoma have filed legal claims against the drug’s maker to help reclaim costs, and compensate them for the pain and suffering associated with a diagnosis of cancer.

If you or a loved one are interested in filing a legal claim, it may be helpful to educate yourself about the correlation between skin cancer and Viagra. You also may wish to speak to an attorney who can review your claim and speak with you about your options. The attorneys at the Hollis Law Firm are available for consultations regarding lawsuits skin cancer caused by Viagra.

If you are interested in a free consultation, simply contact the Hollis Law Firm by completing a contact form on the Hollis Law website or by calling (800) 701-3672. A member of the Hollis Law team will contact you shortly to learn more about your case. An attorney will review each claim 
on an individual basis. Please note that an attorney-client relationship is only established with a specific written retainer agreement.