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Studies Find Talcum Powder May Cause Ovarian Cancer

Defective Devices / April 27, 2016

Various studies have disagreed on the link between lung and ovarian cancer and talcum powder usage. Many government agencies limit exposure to talc, the mineral that makes talcum powder, but manufacturers of cosmetic talcum powder have failed to warn customers of potential health risks.

A 1982 study found a definitive link between ovarian cancer and talcum powder usage, but other studies have not had the same conclusive results. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, an intergovernmental agency in France that partners with the World Health Organization, lists talc in its 2B classification meaning it is possibly carcinogenic. Many of the studies on talcum powder focus on pulmonary issues, lung cancer, and ovarian cancer.

One of the studies involved rats and found that cosmetic grade talc, talc that is used in make up, dry shampoo, baby powder, or products like Gold Bond or Shower to Shower, containing no asbestos was associated with tumor formation. Another study in 1971 found particles of talc embedded in 75% of the ovarian tumors reviewed. Until 1976, talcum powder, even cosmetic grade talcum powder, contained asbestos – fibers that are known carcinogens. Since 1976, stringent regulations have eliminated asbestos from talc powders, but users of talc powder before this regulation were exposed to asbestos as well as the other complications with talcum powder.

For workers using industrial grade talc, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration only permits exposure to respirable talc dusts at 2 mg over an eight-hour workday. The US Food and Drug Administration considers talc to be safe for consumption as an anti-caking agent in table salt, as long as the concentration is under 2%. Governmental agencies in the United States limit the amount of talc workers can be exposed to, and how much talc a person can ingest in their food, but not how much talcum powder a person can use externally despite evidence that talcum powder can cause ovarian cancer, lung cancer, and respiratory problems.

Consumers have a right to know what products they are using.

We are currently reviewing cases of people who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using talcum powder between their thighs and on their genitals. Distributors of talcum powder like Johnson & Johnson knew of the correlation between talc and health problems and failed to warn consumers of that health risk. If you used baby powder or products like Shower to Shower and suffered ovarian cancer, you may be entitled to compensation. We review all cases on an individual basis, you never owe any money unless we win your case. All investigations into your talcum powder lawsuit are confidential and risk-free. Call us at 1-800-701-3672 today to begin your case.